9-11-2024 Group exhibition at Villa Mondriaan Winterswijk
Today starts a beautiful groep exhibition ‘De regionale spiegel’ at Villa Mondriaan Winterswijk. Two of my works have been selected for a exhibition of local artists. A great honour to see my art exhibited in this museum, where the great Mondriaan used to live. The exhibition ends at 23-11.
More info: https://villamondriaan.nl/

9-8-2024 Slingeland Doetinchem: thank you
Last week the exhibition at Slingeland Doetinchem ended. Thanks to everyone who made exhibition this possible, it was a great experience. It’s nice to hear stories fom people who were touched by my art, while being in the hospital for personal reasons. I’m glad my paintings brought some enlightment to those visits.
Right now, back to making art! I recently got asked for a commission that is waiting to get started.

16-5-24 Exhibition at Slingeland Doetinchem
From June 1 till August 1 a large selection of my work is shown at the Slingeland hospital in Doetinchem. I hope the people who work at the hospital, the patients and the visitors will enjoy watching these paintings.
For me this is special for different reasons: it’s my first solo exhibition and I’m happy my art can bring beauty and reflection to the people. Personally I think a place like this where so much happens all the time needs art, so I’m thankful that my art can be seen here for the next two months.
Also, I’m going to exhibit at least two paintings I haven’t shared anywhere and who are brand new. Can’t wait to release those into the world!
1-3-24 Exhibition at Nouryon Deventer
From March 2024 till the end of April 2024 a selection of my work is exhibited at Nouryon Deventer. Since this is a company, it’s not open for public visiting unfortunately. I think it’s good for everyone to be surrounded by art everyday, and I hope that all the people working there will be surprised by the art shown right now.
Meanwhile I’m back to painting for a big exhibiton this summer. Follow me on Instagram to stay updated.
28-2-24 Exhibtion at Gallery Kiek Kus in Deventer has ended
A selection of my latest works was shown at the beautiful Gallery Kiek Kus. It was a great oppurtunity for people to see my work in real life, in a monumental setting. I like to thank the gallery owners for their support, and everyone who visited the gallery. Art is only real when shared, so you made it happen.